How to Host a Virtual Family Gathering for Labor Day Weekend

For your next Labor Day holiday weekend, consider reaching out to family in a fun and engaging online meeting. You can make it a long session that allows the family to pop in any time during the evening. This way, you can still get the warmth of being around family during major holidays virtually and not miss out on hearing about important milestones your loved ones experienced.

Outdoor Setup

When you are hosting a virtual party, you will need good lighting indoors and outdoors so that your family can see you close up and far away while on camera. You can consider wearing wireless headphones or setting up a quality USB microphone so you and other family members can walk around, BBQ, and talk further away from the laptop. It makes it more convenient to be able to see your other family members, but not be stuck sitting in front of a screen.

Group Activities

Don’t just talk about how you’re doing, you can play fun games with your family members and do activities that will be enjoyable for kids and adults. Mystery games are always a great time, as well as bingo, pictionary, and card games. For more interesting games, here is a list of popular ones that you can play with your family.


Because you are far away or socially distancing from family and can’t create memories together, you can still do something as a group that establishes new memories. Try scrapbooking by taking screenshots of funny moments during your group activities. You can also take photos of each other’s BBQ meals that you share with one another, and create a digital scrapbook that highlights all of the great things you all did together.

Family is forever, and even distance can’t keep you and your loved ones apart. If you would like other heart-warming ideas, contact In Full Bloom Events in Tampa, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, and South Florida for more information.

By | 2021-09-20T22:25:02+00:00 September 6th, 2021|Uncategorized|