Fun Lighting Ideas for Corporate Events

If you want your corporate event to be different this year, try some unique lighting arrangements which will stand out. Lighting is one of the first decorative elements that most notice on entering a venue. It is bright and draws the eyes straight to it. However, lighting can also emphasize the environment and be more subtle in the background. Depending on how you plan your event, you can make an event more upscale or more social with the right touch.

Vintage Light Bulbs

These classic lightbulbs add an air of nostalgia and authenticity to their environment. These bulbs tend to have large glass bulbs that give off a soft glow hue. The large filament lights up noticeably inside of the bulb, which has a fun and artistic look. Vintage light bulbs look fancy but are relatively inexpensive.

LED Tables

Just like those disco floors that are lit up spectacularly from the 70s, you can create the same effect on a micro-scale. Feature glass tables with lights from the inside to ignite an otherwise dull event. You can do monotone colors or throw in several colors for more festive events.

Lit Up Backdrop Tapestries

Hang long tapestries from the ceiling and add bright neon flood lamps behind them to create a cascading light effect. This adds a beautiful and romantic look to any event. Bright colors are subdued by the fabric but add a unique glow your guests can enjoy. This is simple to design and do.

If you would like other fun and unique lighting ideas, you can work with professionals. Contact In Full Bloom for unique approaches in Tampa, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, and South Florida.

By | 2021-09-20T22:26:07+00:00 September 1st, 2021|Uncategorized|