Plan Your Next Virtual Family Gathering

Family may be far away but your hearts can be close. If you are looking for a fun activity for you and your family, you are in luck. There are some incredibly fun trivia games and team-building activities you can use to spend time with loved ones who aren’t close by. Many of them come at a low cost and just require online participation.

Virtual Games You and Family Members Can Do Together

Consider some of these fun virtual activities that will put a smile on your family members’ faces. You can pick one or try all of them.

Virtual Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts are fun for all ages, they sharpen the mind and keep you on your toes. Your family members can interact as they compete with one another, searching for items in their house, neighborhood, or their web browser. First, you need to create a list of challenges that you provide for your participants. Make the items on the list very detailed and difficult to dig up. Also, make them humorous to make your family members laugh. You have to have the items already located before you place them on the list.

Guess The Family Member

Another fun game that makes family get-togethers incredibly funny is guessing who’s who among family members. Put together a list of common sayings, fun facts, and funny quirks family members are known for. As you go down the list, everyone has to guess who the person is. You can make teams and have different members volunteer for each team. Add a point for every win and take a point away for every loss. The most points win!

Virtual Talent Show

Have family members get to show off their talents to one another. They can sing, dance, sketch, do magic tricks and reveal many of the other unique talents none of your loved ones may have known about. Let your family shine in front of one another and the shyest ones come forward! The winner of the talent show can get a gift card that everyone pitches in for.

Virtual Family Reunion

If you cannot meet with family members on the other side of the planet, try to meet with them in a lively family virtual gathering. You can do plan a list of activities with your family members. For example, do dinner and movies together. Everyone can pull up their own dinner plates, share what they’re eating, and watch a movie being streamed online. You can prepare a slideshow of all the major highlights of all family members, and feature them so everyone is up to speed. Then everyone will know what’s going on in each other’s lives. The possibilities are endless!

Guess The Sketch

A fun and simple game is to guess what a family member is trying to draw. Make a list of challenges that your family members have to draw and guess. Have each family member get a sketch pad, either a physical or virtual one. Divide everyone up into teams, and then have one from each team guess what the challenge word or sentence is.

If you would like to know more fun activities and want to do a bigger event, you can work with a great team full of innovative ideas. Contact In Full Bloom events today in Tampa, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, and South Florida.

By | 2021-09-20T22:28:22+00:00 June 3rd, 2021|Uncategorized|