How to Video Stream My Wedding Internationally

Technological advances can be a good thing and a bad thing for your special event. Good because it provides ease of convenience and use. Bad because it can throw unexpected curve balls into your planning. When you know what to do ahead of time and pre-plan, you can avoid all of these issues.  Here are some great tips that can help you stream your wedding with little to no issues.

How Do Virtual Weddings Work?

When you coordinate your special online wedding event, you will likely have a decorated venue in person as well as a digital platform where others can visually see the ceremony. You can have physical invitations as well as virtual invitations, depending on whether you want everyone to receive a beautifully crafted invitation they can keep. The virtual invitations will go out to those who can’t attend or are across the world. It is very simple for the guest, who attends at the scheduled time simply by saving that invitation and clicking on the link. If they are unable to attend the event, they can still access a saved video upload which they can watch at their convenience. If you decide to have a live virtual wedding reception, this would follow the same process.

What tools do I need?

If you’re familiar with social medial live events, some may prefer Facebook live streaming for weddings. Others may want something more professional and tailored to their tastes. Luckily for you, the cost for live streaming a marriage can be pretty low and coupled with other event planning packages. A wedding planner may include any of the following tools for streaming a wedding globally:

  • Vimeo
  • Periscope
  • Livestream
  • Ustream
  • On24
  • 6Connex
  • Intercall
  • Zoom
  • IBM Cloud Video
  • Panoptop
  • Brightcove
  • Kaltura
  • Dacast
  • Qumu

All of these apps are built for these types of events and can be accessed virtually from anywhere around the world. As long as a guest has the link, they can access the browser window which will open up and allow them to watch your beautiful ceremony.

What If Their Internet Is Bad?

You can get creative! If you have guests who do not have access to the internet, you can work with your event planner to create USB drives with all of the wedding ceremony highlights. You can mail this to the individual like you would any other letter so that they can watch the video of the virtual wedding ceremony and the online reception as well. This way, even the loved ones who are in the most rural areas can’t miss out.

Wedding Live Stream Services Near Me

You can learn more about the cost of live streaming a marriage and decide whether you want both physical and virtual invitations. An event planner in South Florida or New York City can help you craft your invitations and decorate the backdrop venue for your live-streamed event. Contact In Full Bloom today to get a free consultation and estimate of your special ceremony in Tampa, West Palm Beach, or South Florida.

By | 2021-09-20T22:30:46+00:00 May 4th, 2021|Events|